Besides the content on our website there are plenty of more sources on the internet that provide quality information that is related to lionhead rabbits or other rabbit breeds. An overview is shown below. If you believe that a page should be added you can send us a request by sending an e-mail of fillling in the contact form.
List of interesting pages
The list will assist you in getting to known more knowledge about rabbits. In some cases the listed pages contain general information and sometimes they are very specific yet in all cases very helpful.
How to name your rabbit?
This is a question that often arises, it is not easy to think of a good name that not only sounds good but is also very suitable to give to a rabbit. There is however a website that provides a list of names that are common as well as somewhat unique but in all cases ideal for naming your rabbit. Check out all the different rabbit names and perhaps it will help you in finding the perfect name for your lionhead.
Collection of Animal sites including a rabbit section
If you would like to get some more background information this pet and animal directory that is called Best Animal Sites might assist you in finding high quality websites. Might be helpful to some of you.
Great Rabbit website
Make sure to pay a visit to, full of rich content and background details.
Foreign websites:
Dutch website with information about hamsters and rabbits: Konijnen & hamsters
A Dutch website with information about fleas:
A list of rabbit breeders, pay them a visit and learn more about them if you like.
– Rebeccas Rabbitry:
– Hollys Hollands Rabbitry:
located in Everett WA and raise purebred Holland Lops for show and lovable pets
– South Dixie Rabbits:
– Wasatch Hills Rabbitry: