We can differ many different kinds of cages that are suitable for keeping a lionhead rabbit indoor. In order to find out which type of indoor cage is the best option for you we provide an overview. Before making a final decision you should take a look at all the different outdoor cages. New to keeping rabbits? Make sure to read our page about creating a lionhead rabbit habitat. Keep in mind that rabbit cages aren’t cheap.
See also: TOP 10 Rabbit Cages, Hutches & Pens in 2017 (Expert Review)
However, if you are creative you could also choose to create your own cage, our advice: don’t forget to use chew proof coated wire and plastic that is resistant to stains. Finally, make sure that regardless the type you will eventually use you include a litter pan, water bottle, food bowls and optionally, some lionhead toys.
Single Level Cage
This is the most basic option to house a rabbit indoor. In most cases a single level cage consists out of a plastic base followed by an easy to remove metal wire frame. One of the advantages for keeping your bunny in a single level cage is that it is fairly easy to clean their habitat. Please keep in mind that this basic option also has a downside. Due to the limited amount of space your rabbit isn’t able to get the exercise he or she needs. You can compensate this by letting your bunny roam throughout the house once a while. Make sure to follow the basic free space guidelines when buying a single level cage, the length/width of the cage should at least be 4-5 times the length of your bunny.
[adsense]Multiple Level Cage
In general the rule applies, the more space your rabbit has the better. Having more space has a positive effect on the rabbit’s health. Therefore it might be wise to choose for a multiple level cage that consists out a metal or plastic base followed by multiple shelves or stories. These shelves/stories function as different living areas and can be accessed by a ladder. One major advantage is that due to the fact that you have more available living space you could easily house multiple lionhead rabbits.
A rabbit Pen
Besides having a traditional indoor cage you could also consider to buy or create a pen. This easy and cost saving alternative enables your lionhead to exercise. A pen consists of a wired enclosure/frame without a base and a roof. You can easily adjust the form and for example choose for a rectangle, triangle or a circle. Some owners choose to make a combination between a single level cage and a pen by connecting them. Make sure to add a special layer on the floor that prevents damaging your beloved floor if you choose for a pen.
No cage at all
If your available space is limited you could also choose to let your bunny roam throughout your house. The only requirement is that you succeed in litter training your lionhead. In order to do so you should at least provide one or two litter pans. However, we don’t recommend this option because it has some serious disadvantages, such as that your rabbit might harm the interior. Never forget, they like to chew on everything that is chewable.
Should you always use the woodchip bedding or could you use a different type? He just looks uncomfortable with all the chips stuck in his fur.
I’ve tried the colored compressed bedding and it stuck all over her! It was much easier to litter train her which took less than two days and easier to clean out a litter box with pine litter pellets and soiled hay! I cage her at night and have a soft handtowel folded she lays on. During the day I put her into a 48 inch canvas playpen I found on Amazon for dogs and bunnies then I let her in the floor to roam a little before her cage at night, of course we have our play asks groom time (I use a baby comb and brush) and I snuggle with her on my chest for bonding daily
Shop for an Oster pet comb it has a rounded wood handle is 3 1/2 ” wide and 2′” high is rather small with fine tooth metal that isn’t scratchy I use it on a little Jersey now about 4 lb used it since 9 weeks old I kind of slide it at an angle she never seems to mind and it doesn’t scratch her skin. I have an Oster larger with a longer handle but I prefer using the little brush for her.
Have a zip lock bag filled from her cashmere coat in less than a year.
Pine is TOXIC to rabbits. Go to House Rabbit Society to learn all you can about raising any rabbit. No wood chips.
Use kitty litter that is made of paper. I get mine at petco.
Can you paint a DIY Rabbit Hutch?
You are not supposed to use wood chips as the dust is harmful to their lungs. I use a combination of compressed paper pellet bedding and regular hay. In doing so the bedding does not get stuck in his fur. I also use loose corn cob bird cage liner in his litter box. He was easily trained using this method as there is a distinct difference between his bedding and his litter.